Solo Vacation

15 Jul

I don’t have a lot of time tonight because I have a long day tomorrow.  However, I wanted to briefly (very briefly) post about my vacation last week.

I just want to say… taking a vacation on my own was wonderful. It was so great to just do what I wanted, when I wanted, and how I wanted.  I have always had someone else to cater to, someone else’s idea of a “good time” to consider, and/or some worry that what I wanted to do or eat or whatever wasn’t going to make the other person happy.  Only focusing on making myself happy was almost life-changing it was so peaceful and relaxing and empowering.

Some of what I did for me, in no particular order: Visited Harry Potter World, twice.  🙂  Took a trolley around America’s oldest city.  Read by the pool.  Walked almost everywhere I could.  Hit the outlet mall and went shopping.  Watched a movie, The Heat, and laughed my ass off.  Rode amazing coasters using the single riders line, which was awesome and even landed me in the front row once.  Strolled around EPCOT and visited all of the countries and their shops, taverns, and shows.  Listened to an Irish duo play music that put a huge smile on my face… for hours.  Tried new beer.  Went on a winery tour.  Ate fantastic food.  Sang along at an outstanding concert for a country star who I admire, against a beautiful backdrop.  Watched fireworks.  Bought candy.  Grinned and giggled like a little kid.

And so much more.  I didn’t have a single argument, didn’t worry once what someone else thought of my plans, and felt deep contentment.  I checked in with friends and family, but enjoyed my own company and my personal time more than I can express.

I have only had one other vacation as peaceful and restful – and that was the cruise with my Mom, my step dad (the one where they got engaged, actually), and his family.  That was another trip I took where I just owned what made me happy, even if it was reading 5 books in one week.  I guess there’s really something to this taking care of yourself thing.  😉


10 Responses to “Solo Vacation”

  1. saspouse July 19, 2013 at 8:48 am #

    You were in my neck of the woods! We’re annual passholders to everything Disney! lol Glad you had such a wonderful time!

    • beautifulmess7 July 19, 2013 at 8:53 am #

      Yes I was. It was so much fun! I would LOVE to live in that area full time. Everyone is always so happy. No wonder!

      • saspouse July 19, 2013 at 9:18 am #

        We’re wanting to move one day…some place further north. I just can’t take the heat. From May – October, I barely leave the house! ugh

  2. betrayednotbroken July 17, 2013 at 6:46 am #

    Sounds like you had an awesome time. Good for you.

  3. Dan_Dlion July 16, 2013 at 2:01 am #

    OMG that totally sounds awsome!!!

  4. Our Journey After His Affair July 16, 2013 at 1:40 am #


  5. sexdownunder July 16, 2013 at 12:34 am #

    I’ve always found it interesting that so many people are afraid to vacation alone yet they will suffer in the company of others and have a negative experience. Being comfortable alone is so important. Glad you had a great time. Cheers, Michelle

    • beautifulmess7 July 16, 2013 at 11:10 am #

      That is so true! I love my own company. I don’t understand people who can’t have fun by themselves.

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