Contact Me

IMG_20121224_094747_127I enjoy hearing your feedback and knowing when the things I write about hit home.  Feel free to let me know what you like best, what you want more of, and what you wish I’d shut up about.  I’m not promising that I’ll take every suggestion, especially the last one, but I do like a reality check every now and then.  I’m also an open book when it comes to questions, so if you want to know something ask away!

Want to get in touch with me, but don’t want it published for the entire world to see?  Need some support?  Have a question?  Fill out the form below to send me an email or contact me directly at beingabeautifulmess at gmail dot com.

6 Responses to “Contact Me”

  1. blogventer July 2, 2013 at 12:26 am #

    Hey, honey! I saw your requests to access my now-privatized site, but I have to be all-private now. Sorry. 😦 And I’m reluctant to respond to anyone b/c I have to assume that H is watching everything I do (though I don’t think he’ll read this, in the “About” section on your site). Suffice it to say I’m back in the darkness, and my life is not pretty right now. I’m living with bad emotional abuse, and I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. But some things happened, and I read the writing on the wall. I can’t fight the universe; it’s all just too much for me right now. (I know this is cryptic. Forgive me, please.) I am still blogging, but just for me. Sorry.

    Please know that I am still following your storylines! I am watching you struggle with finding your strength, but seeing you find it via your constant search for truth and your attempts to live authentically, and I’m cheering for you every time! I feel your pain, but I see you turn to your family, and your other support systems, and I know you are healing, painful as it is. You are so strong, and your insights astound and inspire me. Hugs, Beautiful M. 🙂

    • beautifulmess7 July 2, 2013 at 4:11 am #

      I’m sorry you’re struggling. Just know I’m thinking about you and I care. I understand going all private. I actually have done the same thing with a number of posts. Sometimes you just need to write for you, no one else. You will find a way out. Darkness can’t last forever.

  2. secretthots April 12, 2013 at 12:24 am #

    I’m sorry if I haven’t dropped by to thank you for your lovely follow – I can’t keep up with myself, alas! I’m so very pleased and tickled to have you join me in my exploration of secrets and… more. Hopefully, you’ll have as much fun as I do. 🙂 Lola Moi xo

  3. Feel Think Say December 26, 2012 at 3:24 pm #

    Hi 🙂 I nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Here are the rules

  4. rgonaut November 22, 2012 at 6:25 pm #

    Hi BeautifulMess, I’ve nominated you for a Liebster Award.

Tell me what you think