Why You Should Leave a Cheater

14 Aug

Most people say that they would leave a cheating spouse or partner when they have a clear head.  Before it has ever happened to them.

That is the right kind of thinking.  The way we think of cheating before it has happened to us is the thinking of a rational, logical brain.  It is the thinking of someone who is clear-headed, unbiased, and can see the reality of a situation.

You know how it’s always easier to give someone advice than it is to take it yourself?  That’s because when you’re giving advice you can step back and see the big picture.  You can weigh the facts and the likelihood of every scenario, and make a calculated, educated decision.  You can really see the truth of a situation as it stands.

Recently a blogging buddy (and real-life friend), Samantha Baker of Repairing Shattered Pieces, brought my attention to an article, 10 Reasons Not to Take Back a Cheating Husband.  I found myself nodding along emphatically the entire time I was reading.

I then went back to her blog and read her counterpoints to that article about why someone SHOULD stay with a cheating spouse, Reasons to Take Back a Cheating Husband.   I love my dear friend, and she made some valid points and arguments from her perspective and in her situation.  However, I have to strongly disagree.

I’m going to address things as I see them, using my own experiences as a guide.  Does that mean this will be biased?  Absolutely!  I’m now past the point where I can take an unemotional look at this topic, as is anyone who has been embroiled in any side of cheating.  It would be impossible for me not to infuse my history with a cheating, lying husband into this narrative.  So I won’t insult your intelligence as readers by pretending otherwise.

So what is it about the original article that resonated so much with me?  It’s hard to pinpoint just one thing, so I’ll take you on the journey that I went on.  I was always the strong, independent, and rather opinionated woman who stood firm in the belief that if someone cheated on me, lied to me, disrespected me, and took advantage of me, I would leave them.  Period.  Just that simple, just that easy.  I didn’t deserve it, and I wouldn’t accept it.

Then it happened to me.  My live-in boyfriend, who I had been with for over a year, cheated on me.

My world stopped.

I should have kicked him out.  I should have moved on.  I should have pictured the rest of my life unfolding with this untrustworthy person and run for the hills.

Instead, I felt sorry for him.  My empathy kicked in.  I saw him cry, snot coming out of his nose, seemingly remorseful and saying he hated himself so much that he wanted to drive his car into a telephone pole.  I listened to him beg for another chance and promise to treat me right.  I heard all of his excuses and watched him put himself down.  And I felt compassion for him.  Love and tenderness even, after everything.

I felt something else, too.  Fear.  I was afraid to let go.  I knew that it probably wasn’t the best thing for me to stay with him.  But I couldn’t bring myself to move forward.  Instead, I just stayed where I was.

Gradually, the searing pain went away.  Things got swept under the rug.  I was comfortable enough that I didn’t want to rock my world or risk not finding someone else.  I did a lot of justifying and rationalizing.  And I stayed.

It was expected that we would get married, so we did.  More “red flag” behavior popped up about a month or two before our wedding.  I almost called it off.  Again, I chickened out, caved, and did what I was “supposed to do.”

Then we went through a year and a half of therapy.  The counseling was completely worthless for our marriage because he was lying the entire time.  It helped me to start getting stronger, little by little, though.  There were hundreds of times during those 18 months when I should have been done.  Finished.  Gone.  But I wasn’t.

I had lots of great reasons to leave him, and really no reason to stay.  Oh, I had things that I thought were reasons, but they were just excuses. The things that kept me, personally, hanging on were:

  • I was codependent and wanted to “save” him.
  • I had a fantasy in my head that he would “get better,” live up to his “potential,” and be a good partner.
  • I had low self-esteem and didn’t think I deserved any more or better.
  • It felt good to feel needed.  I was the provider, the responsible one, the victim, and the selfless partner who sacrificed it all for someone who was so cruel to me. I played the part well, and I was comfortable there.  I am a giver by nature, but mostly I didn’t think I deserved better.
  • I was ashamed of what I’d been through, and I didn’t want to be a divorcé.  The stigma still felt huge (even though it turned out not to be).
  • I didn’t want to give up.  I HATE being thought of as a quitter. In fact, my marriage was the first thing I didn’t follow through to completion.
  • Promises meant something to me then, and they still do now.  I made vows that were a promise to him, yes, but also to me and my entire family and all of my friends. I felt like I owed it to THEM to try my hardest. I didn’t trust him, but I felt like just because he broke his promise didn’t mean I had to.
  • I bought into the “sunk cost fallacy” that I would be “wasting” all of the time and effort I put into the relationship if I ended it, and that if I just held on a little longer my “investment” would “pay off.”

What it really came down to, though, was fear.  I was afraid, and I scrambled to find any “reason” to hold on that I could.  Even though my reality sucked, the misery I knew seemed somehow easier to bear than the terrifying unknown.

I wanted to believe the fantasies and pipe dreams that people preach.  The “happily ever after cheating” stories were few and far between (for a reason), but still I clung to them.  Many of the people who had positive stories had seemingly fallen off the face of the planet (blogs that were discontinued, people who left the forums, or one and done articles).  Conversely, there were those who had written some book to sell to other desperate people like me so that they could make a few bucks.

I had never believed in that self-help crap before.  I used to scoff at that book aisle and feel sorry for anyone who thought that they would find the answers to life or their problems there.  Those people said what they needed to say to make money.  They polished their turds and pretended they smelled like roses, then sold them in bouquets to gullible readers.  Most of them said conflicting things – the solution was different from one to the next, but they all had the magic potion to make the marriage and cheater better.  More importantly, they were all designed to play to a person’s fears.

Suddenly, though, I was full of fear.  I rejected all of the things that I said and believed before, like “I’m worth more than this.”  Instead, I clung to false hope that somehow this person who I fell in love with wasn’t a horrible, selfish, untrustworthy, broken man who had and would stomp on my heart in a second if it got him what he wanted.

I was wrong.  He was all of that and then some.  I was kidding myself.  I was telling myself lies because those lies made me feel better.  Safer.

How ridiculous!

He continued to lie to me, and I helped him do it by betraying my own sense of what I deserve.  By accepting a cheater.  By allowing him to stay in my life.  I put myself through unneeded pain because I was afraid and because I settled.  I wanted to believe the delusional drivel of people who justified their decision to stay in marriages with crappy spouses out of codependency and fear.  I bought the façade they were selling that something terrible and deceitful and foul could be good (because the hard truth that things were still shaky wouldn’t sell books).  I watched other women in support groups bury their problems and concerns and fears under a blanket of denial, and that blanket looked warmer than cold reality.

If you’ve taken this journey with me and you’re still here, I applaud you.  I have been known to be wordy.  Now I’ll get back to my thoughts on the points in those two articles.

Here’s my (completely jaded) list of why you should leave a cheater:

  1. The relationship is broken, and it won’t get better.  Even if it does, by some miracle, who wants to settle for a relationship that’s slightly better than complete and total shit?  You will never have a relationship with true freedom, trust, and respect because at least one partner has already spit all over that (any maybe both, depending on the state of the marriage before the cheating occurred).  There’s no going back.  There’s no untainting rotten meat.  The purity, the sanctity, the sense that the other person will sacrifice for you, put you first, fight to do what’s right, and love, honor, and cherish you are gone.  Forever.  There’s no unbreaking something that’s broken.  A vase that has been smashed can be glued together again.  It can even look alright, but it will never be as strong.  Those cracks will always be there, weakening the entire structure.
  2. When you stay with someone who has already cheated on you, you will always wonder if it will happen again.  For good reason.  Someone who chooses to cheat is much more likely to be someone who takes the easy way out.  They’re the kind of person who will look outside of their marriage instead of talking and addressing concerns head-on with their partner.  They likely have deep issues that may never be revealed or fully resolved.  Generally speaking, they are cowards who would rather run from problems or pretend they don’t exist than face them.  Very likely, they have been that way for their entire lives and will continue to be conflict avoidant, withdrawing as a main coping mechanism, for the remainder of your relationship because that is their go-to.  Alternatively, they could be aggressive and entitled.  Either is a recipe for disaster, and you will likely find yourself in a place where your trust has been betrayed again.
  3. Children learn by example, and actions mean more than words.  Your children will find out that cheating tore apart your relationship.  They probably already know more than you think.  I have never been on either side of this situation because my parents didn’t cheat on one another and I don’t have children of my own.  For that reason, I will refrain from too much commentary on this subject.  I will simply said that what a child sees in his or her parents’ relationship becomes the model for future relationships.  Is this what you would want for your child?
  4. You’ll need therapy either way, but you should focus on YOURSELF.  Finding a good therapist has been a lifeline for me in this process.  Whether you stay or leave, you will want to talk to someone.  The sooner you can focus on yourself, and your own needs, fears, desires, and growth, the better off you will be.  Finding your inner strength and learning how to be independent, confident, and happy is a lot easier when you don’t have someone dragging you down into their muck.  Get rid of the baggage, and your balloon will rise a lot higher, a lot faster.
  5. You will BE safer.  No one wants to think that the person they love has exposed them to a disease.  You need a reality check if you’re with a cheater.  Likely, they have.  Whether it was a one-night stand or a long-term affair (or god forbid a string of affairs, or multiple one-night stands, or even prostitutes), your partner probably wasn’t safe all of the time.  Maybe they weren’t safe any of the time.  Someone who could risk their own health and yours like that isn’t someone you want to continue putting your trust in.  Want to keep gambling with your life?  I don’t.
  6. You will second guess yourself and your worth constantly if you stay, and your self-esteem will continue to be crushed each time you look at this person who didn’t think enough of you to stay faithful.  Not to mention the mind movies.  They will plague you.  Every time your partner touches you, you will think of the other person (or people) that they touched.  You will have flashbacks and triggers that will pop up years, maybe even decades later.  You will try to control these.  You will wish and beg and plead with yourself to get rid of them.  But they will invade at the most inopportune times – watching a movie, seeing a commercial, trying to have sex, passing an old photograph, and even attending a family event or birthday or holiday, when you suddenly remember that during a very similar event you were being lied to and betrayed.  Even if you have the best self-esteem on the planet before your spouse cheats, you will feel less than when you look in their eyes.  Will it all disappear immediately if you leave?  No, but some of it will.  And the rest can be dealt with so much more efficiently without the cause of all of those triggers and fears waiting for you in bed every night (just the thought makes me shudder).
  7. Things get better much faster when you cut the cheater loose.  This is from personal experience.  The last DDay (discovery day, when further betrayals were revealed) with my then husband was in March of 2011.  I was in a living hell, in one way or another, until September of 2012 when I kicked him out.  Small revelations and untruths were revealed during that time – too many to count.  The agony actually started in January of 2009 with the first discovery of cheating.  It took three years to get basic truths about his cheating, even just the number of women he cheated with (4, not 1).   Those three years were a constant struggle, complete with individual counseling, marriage counseling, group meetings, depression medication, journaling and blogging, a marriage retreat, many sleepless nights, and more lies than I care to remember.  He’s now been gone for less than a year and I’ve made more progress personally than in all of those years combined.  I also have more peace, happiness, joy (something I could barely fathom during those dark years), and hope for my future than would be possible if I were still with him (without a doubt).
  8. There is no “easy way.”  I do think that there is an “easier” way, and that is to face your fears head on.  Things are always scarier when you’re standing in the dark.  So turn the light on.  Really look at your situation.  And I mean, really look.  Is this where you want to be?  Will staying here make you happy?  Is holding onto something broken really your best bet?  Or are you just scared?  Confused?  Are you projecting the compassion and empathy that you wish your spouse would have given you onto them?  Are you choosing to believe them because lies are more comfortable than the truth?  Are you just making excuses?  Is your spouse REALLY going to change?  Are they putting forth honest effort and hard work, without you forcing them to?  Do they really want to be with you, or are THEY just scared and comfortable and hesitant to strike out on their own?  Is this the best you can do?  What would you tell your best friend if they were in this situation?  How about your Mom, sister, or daughter?  Answer honestly, then think about those answers, trust them, and act.
  9. Be your own partner.  Advocate for yourself.  Treat yourself with kindness.  Demand what you deserve, and don’t settle for any less.  Be as understanding of your own needs and emotions as you are of his (or hers).  Stop putting yourself last.  Stop second-guessing yourself.  Stop making excuses for the crappy partner you have, who stomped all over you.  Instead of worrying about “fixing” or “saving” or “helping” someone else, do all of that for yourself.  If he (or she) wanted to be better, they would be already.  They know right from wrong, and they always have.  If they don’t, it’s even more of a reason to run like hell.  Accept that they knew EXACTLY what they were doing, and still chose to cheat, without concern for you.  Become concerned for yourself.  Start finding your own fulfilment outside of anyone else.
  10. You deserve someone who would never intentionally hurt you.  Cheating is a deliberate act.  Either your spouse didn’t really care for you and love you, or they don’t even know how to.  Either way, you deserve more.  And there’ more out there.  In fact, being with no one is better than being with someone who harms you on purpose.  See #9.

So my advice is not really to “leave” a cheater, but rather to kick their ass to the curb with confidence and gusto!

If this article resonated with you, check out the companion piece: 10 Excuses People Use to Stay with a Cheater.

If you want more stories about what can change when you leave a cheater, read Letter from a Reader: Leaving a Cheater

Finally, I’ll leave you with this lesson from a very wise woman:


249 Responses to “Why You Should Leave a Cheater”

  1. Amy February 10, 2020 at 1:29 pm #

    I know this is an old blog but hopefully someone is still reading…I have been married for 18 years. to make a long and painful story short, i found out 4 years ago that my husband had a 6 1/2 year affair with one of my closest friends. I found this out 1 year after our 16 year old son passed away in a car accident. (His son from a previous relationship also passed away 8 years prior). I try to understand that he was in pain over our losses just as I was, i remember feeling like I would do almost anything to escape the pain of losing my son. I also, through therapy, am able to empathize with him regarding his pain. But is just still can’t seem to move beyond this at all. She was supposed to be my friend (also our neighbor). my kids called her “Aunt” . She LOVES to hurt me with the details of their affair, they both say it was all sexual and that they had no emotional connection. I don’t think that even matters to be honest. When i found out about the affair (from her), she told me that she was sick of living in my shadow for 9 years and how it made her sick that everyone in our small community fell in love with me when i did my son’s eulogy at his funeral. eventually she ended up getting arrested for stalking me and my youngest child, who was 7 years old at the time.

    But back to my marriage. I am STUCK. my husband and I have been through so much pain (he has actually lost 3 children – 2 from previous relationship)everywhere i turn i just feel pain. Pain over the losses of our children. Pain over the affair, it all seems to run together. I have been diagnosed with PTSD as well. I know I will not EVER get over this. It has been 4 years and I still obsess daily. My husband and I get along just fine as long as I don’t bring up his indiscretion. He has never blamed me for his affair, he is not mean to me. But i just can’t seem to get passed it. Our surviving children (21 year old femail and now 11 year old son) have already suffered so much loss and I don’t have the heart to now make them lose their family unit as well

  2. K@ July 24, 2018 at 10:51 pm #

    Thanks so much for this powerful article. I walked away before getting married. I knew things would never change. I’m heartbroken but I am finding my strength and feeling like myself again. He really broke me with his lies and deceit.

  3. Troubled wife of 15 years March 27, 2018 at 8:44 pm #

    Thank you so much for writing this article. I feel like you put into words the exact thoughts running through my head! I remember years ago telling my husband that if he ever cheated on me I would leave in a heart beat. He promised he never would after seeing his own dad cheat on his mom and then his sister-in-law cheat on his brother. It tore him up. Unfortunately, not enough to prevent him from doing the same to me 5 months ago while on a business trip to NYC. He met up with an old high school girl friend and decided to sleep with the tramp, while I stayed back in Virginia with our 4 young kids! It has ripped me up inside beyond belief! I feel every emotion you listed above, confused, scared, angry and not knowing what to do. We have gone to marriage counseling. He has promised it was only once and would never happen again. He says he was in a bad place with work & family stresses before this happened and felt distant from me, yet had told me he loved me while being out for drinks with her 300 miles away! You have given me a lot of insight and a lot to think about. I thank you very much for that. I hate feeling broken inside, all the happy memories we had in the past now all make me cry. I don’t know if they were happy times or not now. He seemed fine then and never mentioned a word about being troubled until after being caught with this woman. How am I ever to believe him in the future? The most troubling thing is that we have 4 kids together (ages 8 – 13). And our oldest suffers from 3 chronic diseases. I just hate to put them through any pain, but do I stay with my husband just so they do not suffer? I don’t know what to do.

    • beautifulmess7 March 27, 2018 at 8:51 pm #

      I am so sorry. That is such a terrible situation. I live in Virginia, too. Stay strong and give yourself time. It’s very callous of him to sleep with h someone els while telling you he loved you, then try to blame you. I’m here to talk if you want.

  4. Purity March 19, 2018 at 12:31 am #

    It’s like you’ve known me for the nine years ive been married and like I’ve been sharing my ups and downs of my marriage with you. I deserve better and my happiness, mental and emotional stability comes first. The kids will understand when they are older and after all I’d rather bring them up alone and struggle alone than with a husband that will always hurt me. I can’t change him. I thought he loved me enough to change. Big mistake!! I should have walked four years back when he confessed. But all is not lost. Its never too late to pick up myself and start single life. Weird that am smiling writing this. This piece is an eye opener and the kick I needed.

  5. NG February 21, 2018 at 7:32 am #

    Great article. The writer is right on point.

  6. Henry February 5, 2018 at 3:07 am #

    You did the right thing dear, How can one deal with a cheating wife who even reached an extent of aborting the pregnancy of another man.

  7. Graham January 4, 2018 at 5:16 pm #

    This article has helped me more than any. For ten years I’ve been trying to “fix” a woman with bi polar, depression, panic attacks, anxiety or psychopathic tendancies (whichever she decides is the reason she had to cheat again at the time). She has meltdowns every so often that result in her seeking an “escape” from multiple people via text or e mail that sometimes leads to affairs or just one night stands depending on how interesting they are at the time.
    I have children with this woman and as she keeps telling me it’s an illness and begs me to stay I have tried to gloss over the lies and “help” or believe her rather than trust my instincts. I feel quite pathetic reading my own admission here. I do have low self esteem but I have always thought of myself a good person. The lies on top of lies are so many and so extreme I can’t even begin to write them here as it could take days to do it justice. The above article would be the tip of a huge iceberg. Lies so extreme and sometimes so pointless I can’t even fathom how she had the energy or time to bother making it all up. They got so tangled and sick I actually started to question my own sanity. If she can do all this and tell me it’s ok then there must be something wrong with me!! I am not going to blame myself when she loses everything. I have pretty much sold my soul to keep her afloat. I need to get it back. Thank you

  8. Beth December 30, 2017 at 3:40 pm #

    I got married on 22nd August this year. I am 44 and have 3 kids (by my ex husband). My Husband has never been anything but loving and caring and kind. My children adore him. I found out 7th Dec that he had been seeing someone he worked with. Texts on his phone went back to 17th November. I discovered this as i unplugged his work phone from the plug to charge my own and a message “Good Night Handsome” popped up on the screen. He was in bed at the time. I got into his phone (wasn’t difficult to work out the code – our wedding date lol) and read all the messages. I was obvious that they hadn’t slept together “yet” but it was heading that way. She is also married with 3 young children (her husband still knows nothing and she is still with him). I photographed every screen of messages on my phone (over 40+ of them). Went upstairs, sat astride him, kissed him hard and when he woke asked him if she kissed him like that, he was half asleep and bewildered, so I asked a few more times, he started saying I was mad etc. I pulled his phone from my pocket, placed it on his chest and very calmly told him to get dressed and leave MY house (i have my own house and business). I took his keys off before he left. This OW doesn’t even work with him anymore, but coming from a childhood where my own Father was a serial cheater I knew he’d never change. If he could do this within 10 WEEKS of getting married, he would certainly do it again. I may sound strong, but I’m as unbelievably destroyed. Yes he is begging and pleading and admittedly I have had doubts about whether I did the right thing. Reading this blog just struck a chord with me….With regards to my Husband I think it is because HE is afraid of being on his own. When we started dating he was a chef for bands and had spent 19 years touring the world with famous bands. Aged 47 he doesn’t even have his own place, no kids of his own and ive just discovered 20K in debt!!! So yes ive bookmarked your amazing post. Thank you and to anyone reading this, invest in yourself. He put HIS needs above yours and your families. HE was selfish….it’s time for YOU to be selfish.

    • beautifulmess7 December 30, 2017 at 3:53 pm #

      Exactly right! Put yourself first. This should have been the best time of your relationship, right after marriage. If he can cheat now, he’ll never be faithful. I know you’re destroyed now, but you will get through it. You made the best decision.

    • NG February 21, 2018 at 7:39 am #

      I applaud you for taking a stand and choosing self respect. Good for you 👍

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